Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Wearable Technology

By Brittany Conner

Image result for wearable technology
In class there have been many discussions about how technology will affect us in the future. One of the most interesting topics to me was about wearable technology. The idea of one day being able to wear technology is closer then we think. Technology is advancing in so many ways that it will literally become a part of human beings.  Of course, there will be many benefits to wearing technology. Some include, the ability to collect biometric data through implantation. You can track your heart rate, steps taken, calories burned and so much more. There will also soon be a time where you can show information on your skin using LEDs.
In the medical field one way wearable technology will be used is by inserting tiny implants into the body. The implants are controlled by a remote that can send radio signals. The signals can release medicine into the body without the use of a needle. The implant can also be used to monitor your health. The data could give doctors a better insight into lives of there patients. It could be used to see if a patient is taking their medication properly or keeping up with their physical therapy.  It can also track all of your vitals and even give early warnings to potential health risks.
The benefits of wearable technology will soon be endless. But even with all the benefits of wearable technology I'm still apprehensive about being able to wear technology literally. Just the idea of implantation seems odd to me. Why do I need to see it in my arm when I can just see it on my phone? This may be a more traditional way of looking at things. And I might be in a small group to think this way but I'm not interested in implantation personally. Even with a full understanding of the benefits it could have.




  1. You're right, we've been heading in this direction for some time now. For me, I'm as well a little apprehensive. I think by wearing it, we would have to use some form of implanted device that will maybe be used for more than just communication. That is something I'm not looking forward to.

  2. Brittany
    This is very interesting . I think whenever we implant anything inside ones body we have to be extremely careful of what elements these technologies are made of. Certain elements within technology already negatively effects our bodies, such as the radiation from phones. Imagine how that would effect our bodies internally.

    1. This is something I thought about as well. Today there are so many health risks and issues that we have that didn't exist previously and the finger is usually pointed toward our technology usage. To a doctor I'm sure this innovation is amazing but I'm interested to see how far this actually goes and in the long run if it creates more health issues while attempting to solve others.

      -Taylor Farmon

  3. It's crazy how with time comes changes but I don't believe I will be ready for this type of change just yet. Wearable technology scares me but I do expect this change some time in the future.

  4. It's only a matter of time and while I'm not excited for this to become a reality it will become so necessary that we'll have no choice but to adapt and accept it.

  5. I would be amongst that small group of traditional thinkers with you because I too am a little apprehensive about wearing technology literally. I do believe that technology is growing and if this were available people seriously would try it. It new and cool and with great marketing could really make money. I would see why they would use them in hospitals. I do not see why I would have my phone in my skin. That seems odd and wrong. But one day wearable technology will be the norm as IPhones and apple watches are the norm today.
