By: Kyaris Wade
It is no secret that Millennials have shaken up the world in all aspects. We dance to our own beat, go against mostly everything previous generations have taught us and do all things on a World Wide scale. We are the Insta generation of Master Blenders, who have perfected the craft of balancing work and play together.

Unlike the X,Y and Z generations before us, we have redefined what we define as our success. We not only want to have that up-ward moving career but also, that booming social life. Because of this Millennials have blurred those lines between what is consider social and professional. Many things that were once informal in a professional setting, like calling your superior by their first name, is now insisted upon. Professional suite and tie, has become plain jeans and a blazer. The standard corporate offices looks a lot different than my grandmother remembers.
Success is also, no longer defined by how many figures you have in your account, its also defined by the amount of followers you have on Instagram. Or the amount of friends on your Facebook page. Social success also weights into the total success of the person for us millennials.
100k like on "the gram" + 100k in the bank= #Winning at life; is the formula for success for Millennials.
In the words of Keys to Success Guru himself, Dj Khaled, "The key is to make" , by your own definition.
Great topic and quote by DJ Khaled. I agree with your stance on mellinials march to their own beat. I also believe that social and professional lines have crossed because of today's market. Social media is a hub for online stores and advertising brands. Personally I do not value my success on how many followers I have but on my bank statement. When I become a business owner however it will be essential for me to advertise and market via social media. Mellinials know how to work social media best that's why typical office jobs are seeking mellinials because they don't necessarily know how to work the internet. Great topic!